An Instructed Sanctus

Over on the website of St. Peter's, St. Louis, David writes about the Sanctus.

When I started as a freshman at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, I thought I was already pretty well-read and knowledgeable about music. So, before classes began, I showed up at an exam to try to place out of the freshmen-level Introduction to Music History course. Halfway through the exam, I realized I didn’t know as much as I thought I did, but by then I wasn’t too bothered by that fact. The professor, Sylvan Suskin, had an incredibly engaging manner, and he was playing pieces of music for us that I desperately wanted to know more about.

Once the Intro to Music History course began, I eagerly went to the music library to complete our first listening assignment. It was a marvelous compilation (on cassette tape!) of the Sanctus throughout music history.

Read the rest: "An Instructed Sanctus", Keys to the Kingdom. St. Peter's Episcopal Church, St. Louis, Mo. 5 September 2018.


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