043 Time to talk Trinity

Trinity Sunday, that is.

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  • Trinity Sunday - one of the seven principal feast days in the Episcopal Church; the Sunday after the Day of Pentecost
  • Corpus Christi - a feast celebrating the Eucharist, celebrated variously on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday (its traditional date) or the following Sunday.
  • "Christ the King" Sunday - the Last Sunday after Pentecost
  • An Alleluia Super-Round - William Albright (published by Theodore Presser)
  • Athanasian Creed - Book of Common Prayer, page 864
  • Veni Creator Spiritus in the Hymnal 1982
    • 501: "O Holy Spirit, by whose breath"(tr. Grant) - Komm, Gott Schöpfer
    • 502: "O Holy Spirit, by whose breath" - Veni Creator Spiritus
    • 503: "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire" (tr. Cosin) - Come Holy Ghost
    • 504: "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire" - Veni Creator Spiritus
  • Two Choral Hymns (Trinity) - Alec Wyton (publshed by Aureole Editions)
    • O lux beata trinitas - tune appears at Hymn 30 in the Hymnal 1982, with accompaniment, funnily enough, by Alec Wyton


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  1. Perhaps there is an advantage, after all, in not being a theologian or in being of an advanced age where after years of thinking about these three I am content that at many stages of my life one or more has become important, or at least more inspiring. I am less sure now than ever of some things (how it all works) and more sure of other things (that I don't need to understand to benefit from the love inherent in each). After all, isn't the question really "What difference does understanding it make" this theology, in my life and the Kingdom of God right here, right now?

  2. While Trinity Sunday may be new to the Episcopal church, it's actually a pretty old Holy Day. It was developed in the late 9th century by Stephen of Liège, and popularized by our very own Thomas Becket.


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