044 The Feast of the Memorialization: Revisiting BCP Revision

It's been a year since resolution A068 passed at General Convention. Where are we with Prayer Book revision now?

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  1. I agree that A068 very much muddied the waters of liturgical revision and the likely result is that nothing will get done this trienium or the next. I think this was by design.

    With regard to whether we will ever again "revise the prayer book," I see the practical effect of A068 as sending us down the path of CoE with an permanent unchanging BCP and something like Common Worship that is perpetually under revision -- a two track system.

    In terms of TFLPBR. It appears that a year out from GC79 there has only been one meeting of TFLBPR with another planned in October in Atlanta, Georgia. [https://extranet.generalconvention.org/governing_and_interim_bodies/interim_bodies/990/past_meetings]

    I can save you at least one phone call to a diocese. The Diocese of Northern California has formed a committee headed by The Rev. Steven Shaver, Rector of Incarnation Santa Rosa. They have met 4 times. Currently they are awaiting further instructions from TFLPBR before moving forward.

    John Miller
    L5 Diocese of Northern California.


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