052 Principal Feast meets principled fast

Ian has some personal news. When do you extinguish the Paschal Candle? And more on worship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Episode art photo credit: Easter morning / Altar adorned with flowers, the work of our Flower Guild. All Saints', Atlanta, Georgia. Photo Credit: Lisa Bell-Davis

The Rev. Canon Loren Lasch Named Canon to the Ordinary - Episcopal Diocese of Georgia

New Rector Announcement - St. Francis of the Islands, Savannah, Ga. 

Updated Guidance for Clergy and Congregations in the Diocese of Missouri - March 19, 2020

A Reflection on the Eucharist During the time of COVID-19. A Pastoral Letter from The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Diocese of Texas.

“Reactance is unpleasant motivational arousal that emerges when people experience a threat to or loss of their free behaviors. It serves as a motivator to restore one's freedom. The amount of reactance depends on the importance of the threatened freedom and the perceived magnitude of the threat. Internal threats are self-imposed threats arising from choosing specific alternatives and rejecting others. External threats arise either from impersonal situational factors that by happenstance create a barrier to an individual's freedom or from social influence attempts targeting a specific individual.”

Thoughts on Virtual Communion in a Lockdown Era - The Rev. Samuel Wells and the Rev. Abigail Kocher

Acapella app

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  1. My understanding of the symbolism of extinguishing the Pascal candle was the smoke going up to heaven, so it's purely visual.


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