026 A Psalm of David and Ian
The Psalms are the only book of the Bible to be included in full in the Book of Common Prayer. So they must be important. How do we say or sing them in our worship?
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- This episode was suggested by Mark Pritchard in a tweet.
- Auden, The Psalms, and Me - J. Chester Johnson
- Psalm 150 sung in Procession at Sunday Evensong at St. Thomas, New York City
- "Joy to the World" appears in Isaac Watts's The Psalms of David : imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship, published in 1719. It appears under the heading Psalm XCVIII. Second Part.
- The Episcopal Musician's Handbook is available from The Living Church.
- For Stephen Buzard on Anglican Chant, listen to our Voluntary Edition: a conversation with Stephen Buzard from August 2017.
- The recording of Psalm 84 heard in this episode comes from the Royal School of Church Music Kings College (Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) Course. (recordings)
- Letter from W. H. Auden image (via Tim Schenk of Lent Madness fame)
- The English Hymnal
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