Parliamentary Edition: Prayer Book Revision Passes In the House of Deputies #GC79
The House of Deputies at the 79th General Convention voted Saturday, July 7 to approve Resolution A068 on Prayer Book revision. Special correspondent Brian Denton-Trujillo reports.
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Correction to this podcast from Deputy Denton-Trujillo: "I mentioned that DEPO was removed from the amended resolution coming to the floor from Committee 13, and it has been removed regarding making the Marriage Rites available to every parish for their Rector to implement (or not) in their parish (rather than letting that decision reside with the Bishops to allow the parishes in their Diocese to do these Rites); however, there is a matter of DEPO where Bishops who hold a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same sex couples, shall in the case of remarriage after divorce (and it is this situation only, per my understanding and reading of the resolution), invite another Bishop to oversee the consent process and all. That is the DEPO provision within this resolution."Your source for all things General Convention is
Keep up with Deputy Denton-Trujillo on his blog or on Twitter.
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