Exclusive: 2018 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Music List
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CORRECTIONS: The Invitatory Carol, sung after the Bidding Prayer, is "Up! Good Christian folk and listen". This is the only carol not mentioned in this podcast episode that will be sung at the 2018 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. It was last sung in 2012.
And the second carol after the Third Lesson will be "I saw three ships" arranged by Simon Preston, not Philip Ledger as said on the podcast. We regret this omission and this error.
A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, page on the King's College website. The service booklet has not been posted yet, but it will be in mid-December.
King's also maintains an archive of past service booklets
David keeps track of the carols sung at this service in a Google spreadsheet. You can access it here: sinden.org/carols
Stille nacht - arr. Philip Ledger
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