032 An All Saints'/All Souls'/Allhallowtide redux
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Our previous episode on this topic: 007 Saints, All Saints (A Great Pod of Witnesses)
The Rev. Scott Gunn on Twitter: "And here’s the difference. On November 1, we celebrate St. Mary. On November 2, we remember Aunt Mary. (On November 3, we look to see if Mary is in the 2019 Lent Madness bracket.)"
link to tweet,
obligatory link to Lent Madness
Association of Anglican Musicians. (Facebook page)
Hymn 293: "I sing a song of the saints of God" - Lesbia Scott was born and wrote this hymn in England. It is virtually unknown there, according to Wikiepdia.
Gordon Lathrop book: Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
Feasts mentioned in this episode:
- All Hallows Eve - Oct. 31
- All Saints' Day - Nov. 1 (a Thursday this year)
The 1979 Book of Common Prayer gives permission for this feast to be celebrated on the Sunday following Nov. 1 in addition to its fixed date (November 4 this year). - Commemoration of All Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) - Nov. 2
- St. Andrew - Nov. 30
- Christmas - Dec. 25
- Holy Name - Jan. 1
- Epiphany - Jan. 6
- The Baptism of Our Lord (the first Sunday after the Epiphany)
- Presentation - Feb. 2
- The Transfiguration - Aug. 6
- St. Mary - Aug. 15
- St. Simon & St. Jude - Oct. 28
Hymn 677: "God moves in a mysterious way"
Hymn 526: "Let saints on earth in concert sing"
Hymn 551: "Rise up, ye saints of God"
"And I saw a new heaven" - Edgar Bainton
Hymn 618: "Ye watchers and ye holy ones"
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I grew up in a church whose patron was Andrew, so there was always a bit of calendar usurpation in November when celebrating his feast day on a Sunday with Thanksgiving Day, Christ the King, and Advent I all playing havoc. So the moving of a feast day to the closest, next available Sunday is not unheard of in Ordinary Time, at least at the parish level.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that the moving of All Saints' Day to the first Sunday after November 1 was a way to curb low church Anglicans from going too Protestant? Just a thought.