036 A Season of Pod-itence and Fasting
Don't look now, but it's almost Lent again. Don't worry. We're on it.
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- We don't mention this on the podcast, but we should have: Fr. Patrick Funston did an Advent video series based on the Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar. View on YouTube.
- Episode 016: Ashes to Go and Ashes to Stay
- Sed Angli: "Confession and grace" about why the Confession should be included in the liturgy, at Christmas in particular.
- Hymn 390: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
- Doxology: Hymn 380, st. 3
- The Daily Office in Holy Week - Dereck Olsen. Includes notes about omitting the Gloria Patri in Holy Week.
- "The glory of these forty days" (Hymn 143) from Derek Olsen - audio reflection from Songs in the Desert
- Hymn 145: "Now quit your care"
- Hymn 683/684: "O for a closer walk with God"
- Hymn 693: "Just as I am without one plea"
- "Just as I am" (Hymn 693) from Scott Elsholz - audio reflection from Songs in the Desert
- Our previous episode on Lent: Episode 017: Podcast us not away from your presence
- Music in this episode includes Variations sur 'Quittez, Pasteurs' by Michel Rondeau
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Special thanks to Fr. David Casey, OPA, who is now supporting this podcast at the Altar Guild level. He'll hear his name in the credits next time. You can too. Head on over to our Patreon page to find out more.
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